Alembika supports small businesses.
We believe each shop, eatery and office creates the fabric of our community—and our economy.

We're grateful for our engaging online community of #AlembikaWomen who join us bi-weekly on the Zoom Café.
Community & connection.

We believe in YOU, as you are.
Alembika creates clothes that let you feel beautiful in your body. Not the body you fantasize about, but the one you have right now.

Nourish yourself first. When you're in the flow, your wellness imbues everything you do with clarity and authenticity.
Self care is

Family & commitment.
Family values in the workplace support a culture and team that stays innovative and committed.
Alembika supports small businesses.
We believe each shop, eatery and office creates the fabric of our community—and our economy.
Community and connection.
We're grateful for our engaging online community of #AlembikaWomen who join us bi-weekly on the Zoom Café.
We believe in YOU, as is.
Alembika creates clothes that let you feel comfortable in your body. Not the body you fantasize about, but the one you have right now.
Self care is key.
We believe it's not just about health and wellness, but authenticity, work ethic and caring for others.
Family first.
We know that work-life balance depends on...
Alembika supports small businesses.
We believe each shop, eatery and office creates the fabric of our community—and our economy.
We're grateful for our engaging online community of #AlembikaWomen who join us bi-weekly on the Zoom Café.
Community and connection.
We believe in YOU, as is.
Alembika creates clothes that let you feel comfortable in your body. Not the body you fantasize about, but the one you have right now.
We believe it's not just about health and wellness, but authenticity, work ethic and caring for others.
Self care is key.
Family first.
We know that work-life balance depends on...